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Designing a System for Parallel Reactions

Designing a System for Parallel Reactions

Designing a System for Parallel Reactions

Okay, designing a system for parallel reactions…no problem.  Separate gas feeds per station…no problem.  Now add the ability to close a mass balance simultaneously in all stations and keep all the reactors at the same temperature (1000°C) with limited laboratory space….
That is exactly what one of our latest BenchCATs did.  Six reactors were housed in a single reactor furnace at temperatures to 1000°C.  Each reactor had three dedicated MFCs and a single HPLC pump and vaporizer for accurate vapor delivery.  Scales on each liquid feed vessel and wet test meters on each gas exit aided in performing mass balances.  Analysis was performed with four-detector GCs on each station.  The electrical cabinet was disconnected from the main rack such that it could be placed in a small walk-in fume hood.  Hundreds of I/O points, safety interlocks, and tight temperature gradient constraints all added to the complexity.  
Just another example of Altamira’s custom and fully automated solutions….