The type of equipment needed to characterize and evaluate catalytic converters requires the utilization of an actual catalyst sample (i.e., not a crushed sample) and the simulation of actual conditions occurring in the exhaust gases. Some of these conditions are:
• Very high flow rates.
• Rapid temperature changes in the orders of hundreds of degrees during operation.
• Complex mixtures of varying compositions, including hydrocarbon fuel, unspent hydrocarbons, NOx, carbon oxides, etc.
• Rapidly varying changes in gas composition, from a very “rich” fuel mixture to a very “lean” fuel mixture in only fractions of a second.
In addition, testing for diesel exhaust may also include:
• Particulate (soot) production and burn-off.
• Simulation of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR).
Altamira Instruments has extensive experience in the design, construction, and commissioning of both characterization units and BenchCAT reactor units that meet all these requirements.