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High Pressure Chemisorption Analyzer


Based on our successful AMI-300 instrument, the AMI-300HP represents an automated high pressure chemisorption analyzer. The AMI-300HP performs dynamic high pressure temperature-programmed experiments designed to reach 100 bar
(higher pressures available in custom instruments). When integrated with a pump, the AMI-300RHP provides the most sophisticated and automated characterization and micro-reactor instrument in the industry.  The sophisticated design allows for the system to also double as a single-station Bench-top reactor.  



The AMI-300HP can be designed with any number of pressure and temperature ranges in mind. The AMI-300HP utilizes our proven technology to perform:

High pressure isothermal reaction studies Temperature programmed reduction/oxidation/desorption (TPR/O)
Pulse chemisorption Catalyst treatment
Pulse calibration Dynamic BET (optional)

Up to 99 procedures can be linked together back-to-back to provide a complete character ization experiment. Routine experiments can be designed and stored for easy retrieval.

The AMI-300RHP is also able to perform:

  • Temperature programmed reaction experiments with vaporized liquids (TPRx). 
  • High pressure chemisorption experiments

Fully Automated, High Pressure Chemisorption Analyzer and Reactor System

Features include:

  • A clamshell furnace capable of 1200°C (reactor type limits max temperature) with ramp rates from 1°C to 50°C per minute.
  • High-precision mass flow controllers (MFCs) to ensure TCD baseline stability 
  • A heat-traced stainless steel flow-path to alleviate concerns of condensation and to provide an inert surface.
  • A highly linear Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)

Options for:

  • Dynamic BET
  • Quartz Reactor
  • Vacuum Activation
  • Liquid delivery
  • Inconel, Hastelloy, or other high temperature reactors
  • Sub-ambient (-130°C or lower) temperatures

Computer Control and Data Acquisition

The AMI-300HP is fully-automated for ease of use and reliability. The control portion of the software controls and regulates all valve positions, temperatures, flow rates, and detector parameters. Data acquisition occurs at a selected rate for optimum performance. The front panel screen shows the status of the unit at a glance. This screen provides information on the position of all valves, type of gas connected to each port, temperatures, and detector signal.

The data handling package allows the user to display and integrate signal peaks, calculate chemisorptive parameters, and overlay data.

Operating Screen - A complete overview of all experimental parameters


Catalyst Charge:0.1 - 1 g1 Temperature Range:-130 to 1200°C2
Ramp Rate1 - 50°C/minute  Operating Pressure:100 bar3
Gases:4 MFCs for carrier, treatment, pulse, and TCD gases4 Gas Flow Rates:User defined
Reactor Types:SS 3165 Detector: 4 filament TCD with choice of material (W, Au/W)


  1. Custom reactors available for increased loading
  2. Standard temperature range is 25°C - 650°C
  3. -130°C - 1200°C requires options
  4. Higher pressure available in custom instruments
  5. Number of MFCs can change to increase capability or lessen cost
  6. Other reactor materials are available

Choice of Detectors

With the AMI-300HP you can use the standard thermal conductivity detector or choose other detectors of your choice. We supply integrated mass spectrometers that can be used in addition to the TCD. In addition, we can incorporate any detector that provides an analog output or can communicate through Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE).

Representative Data

TPR of 10% Co / 1% Re on Al2Ol3 at different pressures