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Amtech High Throughput Screening Reactors


Altamira Instruments is proud to represent Amtech (Advanced Machinery & Technology Chemnitz GmbH) in North America.  Amtech produces fully automated laboratory equipment for experimental chemistry.  All systems can be designed as parallel reactors for single or multi-phase reactions.

The Amtech and Altamira collaboration is dedicated to the marketing, development, production, and support of high throughput reactor systems. Amtech’s systems allow for the quick testing of processes on a small scale in order to minimize development expenses as well as product launch time. Below are some photos of the latest reactor systems. 

For more details please visit Amtech’s web page:

Four Station CSTR for heavy oil processing

Full-station parallel gas trickle flow reactor

Reactor for industrial catalyst testing DeNOx

2 x 16 - parallel gas phase reactor

Amtech RS8

2 x 16 - parallel gas phase reactor

Reactor for automotive catalyst testing

DeNOx Sample extraction for low-temp Separator + pressure regulator

Control Cabinet

Reactor Module

Slurry phase 16-channel batch reactor SPR16